> Now look at eval.  When acting on a string, it compiles and runs it as
> code.  When acting on a block, it traps any errors and prevents dying.
> You may be able to come up with some weak analogies between the two,
> but they're two different functionalities.

i have nothing to add.  you obviosly want to scrap eval-block for try.
This is turning into a religious dispute.

> Different object, same action:       ok
> Different object, different action:  not ok
> >       close (IO)              # closes an open stream, returns
> >                               # true on success or false on failure,
> >                               # sets  $! on failure
> >
> >       close (\$)              # overwrites the ASSIGN method of the
>                                 <overly elaborate explaination snipped>
> close.  Closing a filehandle means you're no longer going to read
> and/or write to it (depending on how it was opened).  Closing a
> variable means you're no longer going to write to it... but reading is
> ok.  The analogy is there, but its not a particularly strong or
> obvious one, and there's the jarring difference that you can no longer
> read from a closed filehandle, but you can read from a closed variable.

> You've got to be careful with polymorphism and ensure that you've got
> strong analogous action in all cases.  Not just because its clever or
> you like the name.  This is not to say we shouldn't have polymorphic
> built-ins (we already have more than you might think) but they must be
> chosen with extreme care.

So I take it that you object wholeheartedly to C++ Streams libraries
using << and >> for IO operations because even though there is never any
confusion, since bitshifting file handles is silly, it is in your terms

I think the limited set of objects that close(filehandle) is defined on
makes it a perfect candidate for overloading with something completely
different, just like the bitshift operators were overloaded for file
ops in C++.  I will continue to use it as described in discussion of
How Capabilities Might Work In This Context until whacked over the head
with a better keyword.

> Some more counter-examples... un/pack() on a filehandle could compress
> and decompress the file!  It might be perfectly logical if un/pack
> didn't already do something completely different.
> Some good examples... delete/exists work on both arrays and hashes.
> delete() completely removes an array/hash element, exists() checks to
> see if an array/hash element has been populated (even if its
> undefined).  The details might start to diverge a bit, but the basic
> meaning doesn't change.
> Homogeneous operators are potentially confusing (just because English
> has homonyms doesn't mean its not confusing) but not all polymorphic
> functions are homonyms.  Find the ones which retain their basic
> meaning across all their objects, those are the good ones.
> PS  delete() and exists() are also polymorphic, as is reverse(),
> chomp(), chop(), goto() and die().  There are probably more, but I
> can't think of them, probably because they mesh so well we don't even
> think about it.  You could consider functions which have default
> arguments as polymorphic, then there's lots and lots of polymorphism
> in Perl.  But I digress.

Great!  So you agree that we need better polymorphism in prototype and
dispatch of user-defined routines?

                                           David Nicol 816.235.1187
                                      Signature closed for repaving

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