From: "Nathan Wiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: ~ for concat / negation (Re: The Perl 6 Emulator)
> Does anyone else see a problem with =~ ? Plus, it makes the
> pre-plus-concat that many desire impossible, since =~ is taken.
God, yes.  I constantly have problems with ~= vs. =~; this is only helped
by the fact that =~ is normaly a syntax error.  (It isn't when you use a 
qx//ed regex, which I don't do often.)

> In summary:
>    1. I don't like ~ for concat 
>    2. But if it does become concat, then we still shouldn't
>       change ~'s current unary meaning
I 100% agree.  It's shenanagnins like this that make perl
people look like fringe wackos.

I still fail to see why "." is such an advantage over ->.
The only real benifit I see is typing ease, and -> isn't that
hard to type.  That's what editor macros are for.

It's rather unfornate that we've run out of characters to use
for operators, but we've got to deal with it better then flipping
around operators willy-nilly.

    -=- James Mastros

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