> What's the problem again?
> I mean, really, any OO shop has it's local culture, of what the base
> classes
> are and so forth.

That pretty much sounds like the problem, in a nutshell.

And shop-level is a pretty narrow point of view. What about something that I
d/l from the net, where the code is out of my control and unfamiliar? Why
can't I reuse code predictably w/o having to figure out how a particular
individual/organization allows it?

> Is there a standard?  No.  Does there need to be one? I don't see a need
> for it.

What's wrong with something simple, like saying all classes have an implicit
new() method that is overloadable? Is this really *that* complicated? Maybe
I'm not getting the Big Picture.

matt youell
"think different - just like everyone else"

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