On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, ivan wrote:

> http://www.ora.com/news/vhll_1299.html

Fascinating article, but his point about XML source code struck my funny
bone.  I've certainly heard the argument before - most recently in Dr.
Dobbs Software Development insert.

I've got just one question: if this is such a good idea why don't the
proponents just go ahead and start doing it?  All it requires is a simple
source filter and if XML is all it's cracked up to be that should be
pretty easy to write.

The answer: the lack of comfortable XML editors and the pain of editing
XML by hand would make programming in an XML source format less fun than
it seems.  The chicken has to come before the egg here and in this case
the chicken is a pretty complex beast.  Who wants to program in MS Word


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