[I'm hoping people'll refrain from making this a GPL thread]

Has anyone paid more than cursory attention to the recent announcements
about "OpenSource" alternatives to .Net? Would Perl 6 stand to benefit from
mindshare between these projects? Or are they just potential targets in the
same vein as Microsoft's CLI and CLR?

Ximian Mono:

A Linux version of the Microsoft Common Language Run-Time (CLR) just-in-time
(JIT) run-time engine will allow Linux systems to run .NET applications
built on Windows, Linux or UNIX platforms.

DotGNU Core Platform:

This project is responsible for creating the DotGNU bytecode specification,
DotGNU bytecode interpreter, DotGNU bytecode->machine code compiler (may be
based on gcc), and a compiler from a subset of one popular programming
language (perhaps Java?) to DotGNU bytecode.

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