> So my initial code (which I modified a little...)
> for ( @foo, @bar ) {
>   print "$_[0] : $_[1]\n";
> }
> for would set each element of the @_ array to correspond to the arguments
> for() , therfore $_[0] will equal to the current element of @foo and $_[1]
> will equal to the corresponding element of @bar.  As I mentioned before
> can very easily be accomplished through 0..$#foo loop, but people
> based on that it would be a nice option, in my opinion it's useless, but
> was implemented this could be a way:)

]- Yes ... and one more option :

 for my $el1, $el2 ( @foo, @bar ) {
    print "$el1 : $el2\n"

$el1 will get values from @foo and $el2 from @bar, but the following :

 for my $el ( @foo, @bar ) {
    print "$el\n"

will print :

if people like the other way they can write :

 for my $el ( (@foo, @bar) ) {
    print "$el\n"

will print :

is this correct , but now I'm looking at these too...

so may be what must be the order of passing the arguments and other stuff
should be done via these proposed functions.

PS. I was thinking of that before, what if we have something let's call it
'transform' for transformation of any structure to other structure.. but as
i thought it should combine in some way the features of
switch,if-else,for/foeach, do, while, array/hash-slices, assignment
....etc.... .... oooops I'm talking about DWIM operator..... anyway... is it
possible to really add such "dwim" function/operator that can be modified on
the fly so that it suit all programmers tastes and don't make real mess...")
... ok i say it :")))

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