In perl.perl6.stdlib, you wrote:
>Ya know... the CPAN shell has the ability to combine several
>repositories together (via CPAN::Site).  Since we can't ever get rid
>of the old, deprecated versions/names of modules (ie. oraperl vs
>DBD::Oracle), we *could* put them into a different repository.
>Perhaps CPAN/ for the good stuff, CPAN/deprecated/ for the old stuff.
>The CPAN shell would look in both for modules (so "install oraperl"
>would still work) but it could flag them as deprecated (perhaps in the
>i/ora/ list).  People who look for things manually on CPAN will be
>shielded from mistakenly grabbing a deprecated module (since they'd
>have to deliberately dig into the deprecated/ directory).

I like this idea.  The only question is how we get things moved into
deprecated/ ... I don't think we can deprecate modules without their
authors' consent, unless the author is unresponsive to the point where
we can consider the module "abandoned".

On the other hand, if Perl 6 modules are going into a perl6/ directory
or something, that will (eventually) have the effect of deprecating
everything that's not in there.


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
A sick mind is not necessarily the sign of a neat desk.

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