Though it might prove convenient (just more syntax for more than one way to
do it) it's equivalent to !< == >= and !> == <= , it might be too confusing,
though I myself would think that since != and ne is implemented, !< and !>
would definitely make common sense to implement as well.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: raptor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 11:18 AM
> Subject: !< and !>
> hi,
> I was looking at Interbase SELECT syntax and saw these two handy
> shortcuts :
> <operator> = {= | < | > | <= | >= | !< | !> | <> | !=}
> !<  and !>
> Personaly i didn't liked  if (! ...) construct too much, so even that
> starting to use "unless" is harder for non-english speaker, I
> think is much
> cleaner and good. Particulary 'cause if(!...) is harder to spot... but
> moving it near to comparison operator looks good .... of cource
> not the same
> with !ne , !eq ..
> =====
> iVAN
> =====
> PS. In my native language we doesn't have a word that fit best to
> "unless"(if not) ...

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