Simon and Dan have been teasing you, I know.  I'm holding them back
from releasing what they have until:

1) We have a CVS server running.  (Ask has done this and is now
   working on anonymous access).

2) We have a bugtracking system.  (We're currently thinking of

3) We have a build tracking system.  I believe Ask is working on

4) We have some "bugs" to put into the bugtracking system.  That is,
   some initial projects that people can hack on.  Simon's been coming
   up with a good To Do list that we'll seed the bugtracking system

I want to avoid the situation where we announce code and then chaos
erupts.  If there's going to be lots of frenzied hacking, I want to
make sure it is appropriately focused.  Think of this as the lesson
I've learned from bootstrap (and from watching how Mono started up).

There'll be a CVS server for those who want bleeding edge source.
We'll put daily build snapshots onto an FTP/http server, and any time
we have a particularly stable/featureful build, that'll go onto CPAN.

Let me know if I've forgotten anything.  If all goes well, we should
see the first source release towards the end of this week.  Fingers


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