Dan Sugalski:
# At 12:04 PM 9/6/2001 -0700, Brent Dax wrote:
# >If foo is an unprototyped function (and thus takes a list in
# P0) we can
# >immediately push the values of those calculations on to the list,
# >something like (in a lame pseudo-assembler that doesn't use the right
# >names for instructions):
# FWIW, it's:
# op, dest, source, source, source....
Yeah, I was just being too lazy to go open the assembler PDD and look
for the right instructions, so I missed the format too. :^)
# >In the more general case, however (say, $x*1+$x*2+...$x*65) that's an
# >interesting question. Could we just do some fun stuff with
# lists? What
# >do real CPUs do?
# Real CPUs don't do lists. It's just one big addressable byte array...
Those were two separate questions. :^) First, I thought that we could
generalize the P0 case to all similar cases. Then, I thought "Hey, this
has to happen on real CPUs all the time. How do they handle it?" See?
Two separate ideas.
--Brent Dax
"...and if the answers are inadequate, the pumpqueen will be overthrown
in a bloody coup by programmers flinging dead Java programs over the
walls with a trebuchet."