You'll be glad to hear that the interpreter now supports strings.
Here's a document about how that happens and what STRING* means and
its API. As before, I'd like
    i) people to come up with more fundamental operations on strings
    ii) someone to take over this document and patch it up based on
the results of this thread so I can go on writing the next bit of 

=head1 The Parrot String API

This document describes how Parrot abstracts the programmer's interface
to string types. All strings used in the Parrot core should use the
Parrot C<STRING> structure; Parrot programmers should not deal with
C<char *> or other string-like types outside of this abstraction without
very good reason.

=head1 Interface functions on C<STRING>s

In fact, programmers should hardly ever even access members of the
C<STRING> structure directly. The reason for this is that the
interpretation of the data inside the structure will be a function of
the data's encoding. The idea is that Parrot's strings are
encoding-aware so your functions don't need to be; if you break the
abstraction, you suddenly have to start worrying about what the data
actually means.

=head2 String Constructors

The most basic way of creating a string is through the function

    STRING* string_make(void *buffer, IV buflen, IV encoding, IV flags, IV type)

In here you pass a pointer to a buffer of a given encoding, and the
number of bytes in that buffer to examine, the encoding, (see below for
the C<enum> which defines the different encodings) and the initial
values of the C<flags> and C<type> field. These should usually be zero.
In return, you'll get a brand new Parrot string. This string will
have its own private copy of the buffer, so you don't need to keep it.

=over 3 

=item *

I<Hint>: Nothing stops you doing

    string_make(NULL, 0, ... 


If you already have a string, you can make a copy of it by calling

    STRING* string_copy(STRING* s)

This is itself implemented in terms of C<string_make>.

When a string is done with, it can be destroyed using the destructor

    void string_destroy(STRING *s)

=head2 String Manipulation Functions

Unless otherwise stated, all lengths, offsets, and so on, are given in
characters; you are not allowed to care about the byte representation of
a string, so it doesn't make sense to give the values in bytes.

To find out the length of a string, use

    IV string_length(STRING *s)

You I<may> explicitly use C<< s->strlen >> for this since it is such a 
useful operation.

To concatenate two strings - that is, to add the contents of string
C<b> to the end of string C<a>, use:

    STRING* string_concat(STRING* a, STRING *b, IV flag)

C<a> is updated, and is also returned as a convenience. If the flag is
set to a non-zero value, then C<b> will be transcoded to C<a>'s encoding
before concatenation if the strings are of different encodings. You
almost certainly don't want to stick, say, a UTF-32 string on the end of
a Big-5 string.

Chopping C<n> characters off the end of a string is achieved with the

    STRING* string_chopn(STRING* s, IV n)

B<Not implemented>: 
To retrieve a substring of the string, call

    STRING* string_substr(STRING* src, IV offset, IV length, STRING** dest)

The result will be placed in C<dest>.
(Passing in C<dest> avoids allocating a new string at runtime. If
C<*dest> is a null pointer, a new string structure is created with the
same encoding as C<src>.)

B<Not implemented>: 
To format output into a string, use

    STRING* string_nprintf(STRING* dest, IV len, char* format, ...) 

C<dest> may be a null pointer, in which case a new B<native> string will
be created. If C<len> is zero, the behaviour becomes more C<sprintf>ish
than C<snprintf>-like.

=head1 Elements of the C<STRING> structure

Those implementing the C<STRING> API will obviously need to know about
how the C<STRING> structure works. You can find the definition of this
structure in F<string.h>:

    struct parrot_string {
      void *bufstart;
      IV buflen;
      IV bufused;
      IV flags;
      IV strlen;
      IV encoding;
      IV type;
      IV unused;

Let's look at each element of this structure in turn.

=head2 C<bufstart>

This pointer points to the buffer which holds the string, encoded in
whatever is the string's specified encoding. Because of this, you should
not make any assumptions about what's in the buffer, and hence you
shouldn't try and access it directly.

=head2 C<buflen>

This is used for memory allocation; it tells you the currently allocated
size of the buffer in bytes.

=head2 C<bufused>

C<bufused> on the other hand, contains the number of bytes out of the
allocated buffer which are actually in use. This, together with
C<buflen>, is used by the buffer growing algorithm to determine when and
by how much to grow the allocation buffer.

=head2 C<flags>

This is a general holding area for string flags. The exact flags
required have not yet been determined.

=head2 C<strlen>

This is the length of the string in characters, as you would expect to
find from C<length $string> in Perl. Again, because string buffers may
be in one of a number of encodings, this must be computed by the
appropriate encoding function. C<string_compute_strlen(STRING)> updates
this value, calling the C<compute_strlen> function in the STRING's

=head2 C<encoding>

This specifies the encoding of the buffer, from the following C<enum>:

    enum {

The "native" string type is whatever happens when you set C<LANG=C> in
your shell; it's usually ISO-8859-1 in most English-speaking machines.
A character equals a byte equals eight bits. No shifts, no wide
characters, nothing. 

UTF8, UTF16, and UTF32 are what they sound like. UTF16 and UTF32 should
use the native endianness of the machine.

C<enc_foreign> is there to allow for expansion; foreign strings will
call functions from a user-defined string vtable instead of the Perl
built-in ones.

C<enc_max> isn't an encoding. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
It's just there to help know how big to make arrays.

=head2 C<type>

XXX I don't know what this is for.

=head2 C<unused>

This field is, as its name suggests, unused; however, it can be used to
hold a pointer to the correct vtable for foreign strings.

=head1 String Vtable Functions

The L</String Manipulation Functions> above are implemented in terms of
string vtables to create encoding abstraction; here's an example of one:

    string_concat(STRING* a, STRING* b, IV flags) {
        return (ENC_VTABLE(a).concat)(a, b, flags);

C<ENC_VTABLE(a)> is shorthand for:


The C<Parrot_string_vtable> is a static array of virtual tables, defined 
in C<string.c>. Each encoding has its own vtable; to call the
concatenation function for C<a>, we look up its encoding and retrieve
the C<concat> entry from that encoding's vtable. This produces a
function pointer we can throw the arguments at.

Most of the string vtable functions are self-explanatory as they are
thin wrappers around the functions given above. Some of them, however,
are for internal use only, to help implement other functions. You'll
find them in the next section.

=head2 How to add new vtable functions

The first thing to note is that if what you're doing isn't remotely
encoding-specific, you don't need to add a vtable function; you can
just add a function in F<string.c> (don't forget to add the function
prototype to F<string.h>) and you don't need any more of this section.
However, most things that people do with strings depend on the encoding
of the string data, so if you need to add anything slightly complex,
read on.

Currently, the construction of the vtables is not automated; it's hoped
that soon someone will automate this and fix this section. However, for
the time being, this is what you need to do when you implement a new
vtable function:

=over 3

=item 1

Check to see whether or not the function's type has a typedef in
F<string.h>: for instance, if you have a function that takes a string
and an C<IV> and returns a string, use C<string_iv_to_string_t>;
otherwise, add your own type.

=item 2

Add the unqualified name of the function (C<frobnicate>), together with
your type, to C<string_vtable> in F<string.h>. 

=item 3

Create a function C<string_frobnicate> in C<string.c> which is a wrapper
around C<frobnicate>. This function B<must> take a C<STRING*> parameter,
so that the encoding can be extracted and the relevant encoding vtable
be found and despatched. It should look something like this:

    string_frobnicate(STRING *s, ...) {
        return (ENC_VTABLE(s).frobnicate)(s, ...);

=item 4

Create functions C<string_XXX_frobnicate> for all values of C<XXX> in
the encoding table; (or better still, get other people to write them for
you) C<string_native_frobnicate> should go in F<strnative.c>,
C<string_utf8_frobnicate> should go in F<strutf8.c>, and so on.

=item 5

Add C<string_XXX_frobnicate> to the end of each vtable returned by


=head1 Non-user-visible String Manipulation Functions

If you've read this far, I hope you're a Parrot implementor. If you're
not helping construct the Parrot core itself, you probably want to look
away now.

The first two functions to note are

    IV string_compute_strlen(STRING* s)


    IV string_max_bytes(STRING *s, IV iv)

The first updates the contents of C<< s->strlen >> by contemplating the
buffer C<bufstart> and working out how many characters it contains. The
second is given a number of characters which we assume are going to be
added into the string at some point; it returns the maximum number of
bytes that need to be allocated to admit that number of characters. For
fixed-width encodings, this is trivial - the "native" encoding, for
instance, encodes one byte per character, so C<string_native_max_bytes>
simply returns the C<IV> it is passed; C<string_utf8_max_bytes>, on the
other hand, returns three times the value that it is passed because a
UTF8 character may occupy up to three bytes.

To grow a string to a specified size, use 

    void string_grow(STRING *s, IV newsize)

The size is given in characters; C<string_max_bytes> is called to turn
this into a size in bytes, and then the buffer is grown to accomodate
(at least) that many bytes.

=head1 Transcoding

The fact that Parrot strings are encoding-abstracted really has to
bottom out at some point, and it's usually when two strings of different
encodings interact. When we try to append one type of string to another,
we have the option of turning the later string into a string that
matches the first string's encoding. This process, translating a string
from one encoding into another, is called "transcoding".

In Parrot, transcoding is implemented by the two-dimensional array


Each entry in this table is a function pointer which takes two

    string_utf32_to_utf8(STRING* from, STRING* to)

(If C<to> is a null pointer, a new C<STRING*> will be allocated. As
before, it's all about avoiding memory allocation at runtime.)

A null pointer in the table should signify that no transcoding is
necessary; C<Parrot_transcode_table[x][x]> should always be C<NULL>.

C<Parrot_transcode_table[enc_native][enc_utf8]> isn't C<NULL>. Don't
fall for that, because "native" doesn't necessarily mean ISO-8859-1.

=head2 Foreign Encodings

Fill this in later; if anyone wants to implement new encodings at this
stage they must be mad.

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