On 09/07/01 Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >The only optimizations that interpreter had, were computed goto and
> >allocating the eval stack with alloca() instead of malloc().
> Doesn't this really get in the way of threading? You'll chew up great gobs 
> of system stack, and that's a scarce resource when running with threads.

The number of entries in the eval stack is bounded, I've never seen it
grow past 13.

> >I think they worked also on outputting IL bytecode...
> Yep, but that version was slower. Dick Hardt snagged me at TPC this year (I 
> think I spent most of my non-speaking time being pinned to a table or bench 
> by folks with Things To Say... :) and made a .NET pitch. They were going 
> with the translation to .net but switched to embedding perl. It was a lot 
> faster. (Brad Kuhn had a paper on translating perl to java bytecode and he 
> had lots of trouble, but for different reasons)

My point is that using their experience, a few changes should be designed to
better support dynamic languages in the CLR in the same way that currently
the research is focused on extending it for functional languages, generics


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