Damien Neil:
# On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 06:58:23PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
# > At 03:52 PM 9/10/2001 -0700, Damien Neil wrote:
# > >Parrot fails to work in very obscure ways on FreeBSD.  After some
# > >poking around, I tracked the problem to the "end" op--this appears
# > >to conflict with something inside libc.  Renaming the op fixes the
# > >problem.
# > 
# > Ah, that's what was  killing the build on Nat's machine. 
# Patch, by chance?
# The following quick-and-dirty patch appears to work.  This prefixes
# all opcode functions with "Parrot_op_".  I'd have made the prefix
# configurable, but the opcode generation is spread across three
# different files.
# (Aside: What's the best way to generate a useful patch with cvs?
# The following comes from "cvs -q diff -u".)

This patch seems to work on the FreeBSD box I have access to.  Now to figure out 
what's causing all those 'use of uninitialized value at assembler.pl line 81' 

--Brent Dax

"...and if the answers are inadequate, the pumpqueen will be overthrown in a bloody 
coup by programmers flinging dead Java programs over the walls with a trebuchet."  

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