another thought...

> A thought (though gross):  if we restrict mneumonics to not use the underscore,
> then anything after _ can be the op signature.
> The opcode_table could use these characters for different data types:
> integer                       i
> integer constant      j
> numeric                       n
> numeric constant      o
> address                       a
> string                        s
> string constant               t
> The file could be reorganized as:
> set   2       i       j
> set   2       i       i
> set   2       n       o
> set   2       s       t

what if the table had another column (optional) at the end:

set     2       i       j       set_i

which gave the name of the C function which implemented it.  that way the
assembly ops are independant of the C function names and multiple ops could
map to a single C routine (if needed) 

I've got to know...what's the significance of the magic number? :)


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