On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Leon Brocard wrote:
> mops.pasm uses a very simple loop to figure out how many operations a
> second parrot can go. However, the loop it uses is inefficient: it
> does a "branch" *and* an "eq" every time around. 

> mops.pasm: 11.713909
>    ./mops: 108.442655
> mops.pasm: 10.647256
>    ./mops: 73.574232
> Of course, the benchmark could be improved, but I suggest we should at
> least change it to be good, tight code ;-)
Perhaps it's just too late at night, but if this cange makes it better,
tighter code, shouldn't it make the MOPS numbers look better, not worse?

        -=- James Mastros
Put bin Laden out like a bad cigar: http://www.fieler.com/terror
"You know what happens when you bomb Afghanastan?  Thats right, you knock
over the rubble."       -=- SLM

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