On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 08:33:05AM -0500, Gregor N. Purdy wrote:
> Eventually, we'll want to move these and the printint ops to a separate
> devel.ops (or some such thing). 

I would do that immediately. In fact, call 'em temp.ops, to remind people
that they're not the final solutions and are destined to die sometime (soon).

> That has to wait until we can deal with
> merging ops from multiple oplibs (which I started on, but have not been
> able to complete -- we are going to have to solve the dynamic loading
> problem satisfactorily before this can be taken very far).

Can't we? I would just statically link them in for now, like I've done with
the vtable oplib.

> If there's no objection, I'll apply the patch here and play with it and
> probably commit it.

Feel free.

To downgrade the human mind is bad theology.
- C. K. Chesterton

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