Brent Dax writes:
: Larry Wall:
: # Note that the "sub" is standing in for &, so it'd have to be
: #
: #     my Dog sub hot {...}
: #
: # or
: #
: #     my Dog &hot {...}
: What about package subs?
:       our Dog sub hot {...}
: seems just a bit verbose...

Seems to me that discouraging package subs in favor of lexical subs is
okay, provided it isn't more than about one letter harder.  :-)

More problematic is

    $subref = Dog sub { ... }

But this may resolve itself if such types have to be predeclared.  Or
maybe you just have to write that

    $subref = my Dog sub { ... }

Though that would seem to imply that you could say

    $intref = my int \0;

which is bizarre.


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