>At 09:36 PM 11/4/2001 +0100, Benoit Cerrina wrote:
>> > While the PMC structures themselves don't move (no real need--there of
>> > fixed size so you can't fragment your allocation pool, though it makes
>>Sorry can you expand on this.  I don't see the relation between the data
>>being fixed size and the memory not becomming fragmented.
>> > generational collection easier to some extent) the data pointed to by
>> > PMC can. That's the bit that moves.
>> >
>> > Dan
>> >
>>Well one of the reasons of moving the data is so you can use a trivial
>>allocator.  If you don't move the PMC you won't be able to.
>Sure you will. Allocation and deallocation of fixed-sized structures is
>very simple--in some ways as simple as using a stack allocator, as you're
>just putting things on the head of a list or taking them off it. It's
>allocation and deallocation of variable-sized structures that's tricky, and
>tends to fragment your heap all to heck.

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