I'm definetly having a hard time trying to make my self clear, sorry guys
I'm still learning english :( .

The point is that,in my opinion, we don't really need to be faster than
now when tracing, etc but we DO have to be faster when running like:

# ./test_prog mops.pbc

On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Brent Dax wrote:

> Daniel Grunblatt:
> # No, I totally disagree on that if I do that we will lose the
> # speed gained
> # before, I still don't know why we can't stay we the actual
> # dispatch method
> # when tracing, etc and use computed goto when running without
> # any command
> # line switch?
> If we enable tracing with computed goto, we should only expect to get
> better performance than tracing with switch or tracing with
> function-pointer.  What I'm saying is:
>       op27:
>               /* stuff */
>               pc+=3;
>               /* tracing or whatever code goes here */

This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid, this is a big overhead, because
if I'm understaing right you are suggesting to add and if here, right?
well imagine that if made everytime even when we are not tracing.

Unless that what you mean is having separated functions and we call
cg_core() by default, cg_core_trace when tracing and so on, is that what
you are suggesting?

Daniel Grunblatt.

>               goto *lookup[*pc];
> That'll still be faster than switch()ing or function-pointer; it just
> won't be as fast as untracing, which I think users can accept and
> understand.
> --Brent Dax
> Configure pumpking for Perl 6
> When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10
> empty tent and hit a camel in the butt.
>     --Dubya

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