On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> I'm getting tempted to have some sort of multi-level ENV thing that, for 
> most single-interpreter cases, collapses down to a plain getenv/putenv.
Umm, is everybody here somking crack?

I thought the point of %ENV was to deal with the environment, the OS's
poor excuse for a hash that was useful for taking persistant parameters
from the shell.

I didn't think that it was an advanced IPC mechinisim.  I didn't think
anything that even resembled IPC was any of core.ops & pals domain.

        Peace, Love, and Turnpike,
        -=- James Mastros
"In the case of alchemy v chemistry the chemists know whether it will
probably go bang before they try it (and the chemical engineers still duck
anyway)."       -=- Alan Cox

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