On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> Q: What about endianness?
> A: Native endianness. Byteswapping's easy enough.
Where in the packfile does it define the native endinaness of floats?
(Note "native endianess" has to include wheather the sign is the MSB or
the LSB, and the endianness of the exponential and fractional part.)

BTW, for the record, this is IEEE 754-1985 (AKA 754-1990) details at

A summary is at
since this is a nonfree standard.  (God, I hate them.)

        -=- ames Mastros
"In the case of alchemy v chemistry the chemists know whether it will
probably go bang before they try it (and the chemical engineers still duck
anyway)."       -=- Alan Cox

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