On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Tom Hughes wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>           James Mastros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Tom Hughes wrote:
> > > It's completely wrong I would have thought - the encoding layer
> > > cannot know that a given code point is a digit so it can't possibly
> > > do string to number conversion.
> > >
> > > You need to use the encoding layer to fetch each character and
> > > then the character set layer to determine what digit it represents.
> > Right.  And then you need to apply some unified logic to get from this
> > vector of digits (and other such symbols) to a value.
> Indeed, and that logic needs to be in the string layer where it can
> use both the encoding routines and the character type routines. I have
> just rearranged things to reflect that.

Yes, that does make more sense.  I think we need some string docs.

Also, for string -> integer conversion I think we ought to be scanning
for a float then turning the result into an integer (as 1234.56e2 is
one).  We'll also eventually need a string->BigNum and string->BigInt
conversion, and if things are to upgrade gracefully and silently this
might need to happen as the string is scanned.

Alex Gough

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