Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 05:40 PM 12/12/2001 -0800, Robert Spier wrote:
> >| patches integrated in soon, and a longer-term solution (i.e. a perl make)
> >| should be ready not too long after that.
> >
> >bool query  {
> >   Dan, you've been unclear.  Is a perl5 based make system
> >where you want to be today?
> >}
> Perl, yes. At the moment perl 5, but we'll morph it over to perl 6 when
> we've a working parser for it.

What's this "when"?
make.pl v. ~0.6  committed. It uses a fairly simple line-based parser,
not P::RD. I didn't want to require non-core modules, but we can
certainly take this and morph it into something more perl-like. As a
matter of fact, I would prefer to do this, but doing that would break
GNU make compatibility. Given the HoHoHoHo... data structure I use to
hold dependencies it would be fairly straightforward to map onto
something using P::RD.


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