On Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 12:06:51AM -0800, Brent Dax wrote:
> ....or is there no 'set(p, p)' function?  If there isn't, why not?

There isn't. Nobody's written it. :)

> Also, a question if/once it exists.  I assume it'll make a copy.  

Yep. Although I'm not quite sure off-hand how to write it.

> If that's the case, then in this bit of code:
>       new P0, PerlInt
>       new P1, PerlString
>       set P1, P0
> is P1 a PerlString or a PerlInt?  I think PerlString, because otherwise
> there'd be no way to cast between types.


Resist the urge to start typing; thinking is a worthwhile alternative.
    -- Kernighan and Pike

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