I've added two more entries to the tinderbox.  Both are on linux.  Both 
are not successfully building at the moment.

lcc: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/software/lcc/

  lcc has been discussed before on this list- it's a fairly picky ANSI C 

tcc: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~patrykz/TenDRA/tcc/tcc1.html

  tcc is fairly interesting in that you can tell it to only provide a 
  specific API to the compilation environment, as listed at

  This means that we could, in theory, test whether parrot will build in a 
  variety of different environments on one machine.   Right now that's not
  going to work since so many hints are coming from the existing perl install.
  So i've told it to provide the full set up system headers so that it will
  match those assumptions for now.

  But once parrot does its own checking for such things, it may be 
  interesting to try this out.  I'm not too clear on how well it would actually 
  work.  Seems interesting in concept though.


Josh Wilmes  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | http://www.hitchhiker.org

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