At the moment, the assembler doesn't seem to like single character 
 labels. For instance, this code:

       bsr aa
       print "Didn't branch \n"
  aa:  print "Branched \n"

 prints "Branched", as one would expect, but this code:

       bsr a  
       print "Didn't branch \n"
  a:   print "Branched \n"

 provokes a bunch of error messages from the assembler:

  constantize_integer(): Called with non-numeric argument 'a'! at
Parrot/ line 1320
        Parrot::Assembler::constantize_integer('a') called at
Parrot/ line 1188
        Parrot::Assembler::handle_arguments('bsr a', 'bsr_ic', 'a') called
at Parrot/ line 622
        Parrot::Assembler::process_program_lines() called at ./
line 14

 Now, before I go ahead and try to fix this, I thought I better ask
 whether there's any particular reason that single-character labels
 shouldn't be allowed? 


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