On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 10:44:19AM -0500, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> I'm going to just say this, and I ask that everyone who reads it take a
> deep breath, count to 10 and then respond if you wish.
> I was reading Apoc 4 and while marveling at the elegence of what Larry's
> doing to the language, I had an epiphany. Perl6 is simply not Perl. 

I remember long ago being very concerned about this very eventuality. I'm
glad that it's not the case. Perl 6 is most definitely Perl.

The problem is that everything you've heard about Perl 6 so far is about
bits of it that are different from Perl 5. The Apocalypses tell us
what's going to change is Perl 6, and the Exegeses tell us how to use
all the lovely new features. They don't tell you how to use the old
features, because you already know that. All in all, this obscures the
fact that the vast bulk of the language is the same. 

I even surprised myself by how few changes were required to turn a Perl
5 tokeniser into a Perl 6 tokeniser. Or maybe that's just because I
designed it so well. :)

Hanlon's Razor:
        Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained
        by stupidity.

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