: On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 06:03:55PM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
: > Do they need to?  In the simple case, the hyperoperator provides list
: > context to its arguments, but just calls the scalar operation repeatedly
: > to fake up the list operation.  Any operator
: > 
: >     @result = @a ^op @b
: > 
: > is really just something like
: > 
: >     @result = for @a; @b -> $a, $b { $a op $b }
: Just to make sure I'm not confused, the for loop above should really
: look like this:
:       @result = for @a; @b -> $a; $b { $a op $b }
: right?  I re-read the Apocalypse and it says that both of these would
: be the same, but if that's the case, then I don't understand how you
: would take items two at a time across multiple streams.

Good question.  Maybe we'll just have to require the semicolon.  That
would make one less exception, and allow your two-at-a-time-alternately
to work.  Though if that's not what they intended, it'd be a subtle bug...


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