>> my $plain = $c - $d : Math::Complex   # 3.0 + 0i
>> sqrt(2 : Math::Integers)       # -> exception or not-a-number

>Not a bad idea,. I beleive that the perl6 adjective operator
>(for functions) will be a semicolon, not a colon. I'm not
>sure how it is planned to apply it to operators.
>Its also plausable to use properties:
>my $plain2 is Math::Complex = $c - $d.
>That would require overloading the '-' operator based on
>return type; and could get a bit nasty.

The nice thing about being per-operation (or per-function) is that in some
cases, the place where you want to define the operation is not alone defined
by the operands. Is more like a kind of enviroment where things happen.

While most cases can be handled with a rich type system, others do need
explicit information about the structure where the operation is defined
(although, to be honest, they are probably the lesser).

[The example I've got in mind is factoring a polynomal, where the type of
the object (Polynomal of real parameters) doesn't determine the place where
you factor it (over Q, R, a finite extension, ...? ) ]

A second one (probably more important) is that with adverbs you can use both
classes (Math::Complex) and instance objects ( Math::FiniteFields::F(8) ) as
long as they have the right set of methods. I don't know if you can say :

my $plain2 is $structureObject = $c - $d;

do you?

This allows structures to be user-constructed objects if needed (and only if
needed), and thus in theory (probably only in theory) you could even define
an algebra of structures.

And finally, I find some syntatic pleasure in:

print [0,2,3] * [1,3,4] : $myEuclidianSpace;

who must have taken the rant pill today...

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