Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's a flag in the flags field to mark the PMC as a permanent type 
> or not. It's insufficient for "Type X or child of X" things, though.
> >Or to put it another way, is the type of a PMC determined purely by
> >it's current vtable pointer, and if so, under what circumstances
> >are we allowed to change the pointer?
> The variable's vtable functions are the only things allowed to change 
> that pointer. The circumstances under which they change it are up to 
> the authors of the vtables. For standard types we need to hash some 
> things out for it.
> >And can we indeed conflate the concepts of type as defined by a vtable
> >pointer, and Perl-level type? Will there always be a seaprate vtable
> >for each Perl-level type????
> There will be at least one vtable per perl-level type, yes. Each 
> package and class gets at least one, as do any lower-level 
> user-defined types.

All sounds good to me.

My outstanding niggle is when a typed variable is undef. I guess we
need a generic Perl_Undef_But_Typed vtable type, which behaves mostly
like the PerlUndef type, but saves a pointer to its 'real' vtable in
self->data or whatever. When it's assigned to, it upgrades itself to
its real type, then passes control to it's real type's assign method.

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