Josh Wilmes:
# I've tweaked the "lint" target somewhat and fixed a few of
# the things it
# finds.  Attaching the patch as well as the current lint output.

These lines:

libparrot$(A) : $(O_FILES)
        $(AR_CRS) $@ $^

hopelessly confuse nmake:

makefile(151) : fatal error U1001: syntax error : illegal character '^'
in macro

--Brent Dax
Parrot Configure pumpking and regex hacker
Check out the Parrot FAQ: (no,
it's not mine)

<obra> mmmm. hawt sysadmin chx0rs
<lathos> This is sad. I know of *a* hawt sysamin chx0r.
<obra> I know more than a few.
<lathos> obra: There are two? Are you sure it's not the same one?

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