Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Charles Bunders writes:
> : I came across Simon Cozens email
> : (http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg08641.html) again
> : tonight and it got me thinking...
> : 
> : In Perl 6 are modules compiled down to pbc (Perl byte code) going to also
> : create metadata similar to what .NET has describing methods, use, etc.
> We have to do that if we want to run well on top of .NET.
> : I don't think it would be that dificult to do and you could do some interesting
> : things with the development environments on the various platforms with it as
> : well.
> : 
> : Just curious if you plan on keeping with the POD documentation in the source or
> : had some magic mojo you would be throwing in either with the pbc or files that
> : go with it?
> Hasn't been designed yet.  POD streams will certainly have to be
> accessible, but so will various kinds of metadata derived from Perl
> declarations.  So it's unlikely to be an either/or thing.

Those of us attempting to write refactoring tools would *really*
appreciate being able to trace an opcode back to the actual source
that generated it. An optree that held onto comments in no op type
nodes would be quite handy too.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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