Whilst I've been hacking the perl 6 scheme interpreter I've found
myself using code like the following

  method get_token( $self: ) {
    given $self.get_char {
      when !defined { fail IOException: msg=> "EOF" }
      when /\s/     { $self.get_token }
      when '('      { $the_left_paren }
      when ')'      { $the_right_paren }
      when '"'      { $self.read_string }
      when /\d/     { $self.read_number($_) }
      default       { $self.read_identifier($_) }

Initially, that got written as:

  method get_token {
    given .get_char {
      default { # Hang on, how do I call a method on myself now? 

The issue here is that, if you ever want to use a topicalizer inside a
method definition, and you're going to want to call a method on
yourself from inside the scope of that topicalizer then you can't
really make use of implicit self references.

And because topicalizers are such a powerful tool (believe me; I don't
think I've written a single 'if' statement anywhere in the scheme
interpreter, it's starting to feel clumsy), you're going to end up
with almost all your method declarations looking like:

  method foo($self: ... ) {...}

So, is there any chance that we'll be able to do:

  class ical {
    use object_name '$self';
    method ical {
      given $self.ology {
        ... { $self.ish }

(I'm sure we'll be able to write 'object_name', I'm just hoping that
it'll come as part of the core distribution)


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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