> So, I think #2 is the way to go. We'll add a new flag,
> (BUFFER|PMC)_stay_of_execution_FLAG or something, that gets added to
> allocated PMCs and Buffers. It'll be treated the same way as the
> constant/immortal flag is treated for DOD purposes, with one
> difference--there'll be an op which specifically clears the flags.
> Since the flag is *not* valid to be set across ops, we're fine.

Sounds good to me. This requires that we manually insert this
clear_soe_flag op in code, where we want it. If we don't insert it, we
effectively make everything immortal/immune, forever. Finding 'proper'
places to insert this could be hard to do for the compiler writer, imo.
The larger the amount of code in a loop, the more likely this op is to
exist inside the loop? Not sure what other heuristics there would be.

> Only those functions that *must* set it will, and they are also
> required to make sure the stay_of_execution_count interpreter
> variable is set to the proper number (or at least large enough) on
> abnormal exit. (That way we can keep the flag clearing op from
> actually running if there's no reason)

Aren't most functions going to be required to set it, indirectly?
new_*_header seems like an ideal place to set the SOE flag, and increment
the internal counter. But that's going to impact a ton of code. Am I
correct in assuming these three functions are what you meant by 'must set
it', or were you referring to something else?

Mike Lambert

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