On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 08:47:17PM -0400, Melvin Smith wrote:
> At 08:04 AM 4/11/2002 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
> >Of course, the problem is then: what should the name of this topicalizer
> >variable be? The main options are:
> >
> >         $self
> >         $me
> >         $I
> >         $this
> >         $invocant
> >         $object
> >         $obj
> >
> >And frankly, that's a very minor issue. Someone (i.e. Larry) should just
> >pick one and then we can all move on.
> I'm waiting for Larry to say, "We have decided to use $me, $myself and $i.

And then we also get the Perl 6 theme tune thrown in for free.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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