On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 10:08:01PM -0400, Jeff wrote:
> And a long time coming...
> An assembler supporting keyed aggregates. Because of the current lack of
> macro support (that will be added in a few days), it's not built by
> default and isn't invoked in the test suite.

Yay! Thank you.

> Since keyed aggregate support was waiting on this step, key constructs
> will not yet be supported, but this is the first major step in getting
> there. Macro support will be added over the next few days, along with a
> different backend that the language compilers will be able to use that
> will support compilation straight to Parrot bytecode, without a .pasm
> file as an intermediary. Hopefully we'll be able to use this for the
> tests as well, which should speed things up by quite a bit.

Well, one problem -- there's no way to create an aggregate right now,
or any other PMC. The assembler needs to be taught about the PMC

  ./newasm t/pmc/perlhash6.pasm > ph6.pbc
  Undefined label PerlHash used at line 1

That comes from the line

  new P0, PerlHash

I know, I can replace that with a constant integer, or stop whining
and add the support myself, but my parrot time right now is going
towards finishing off the memory management problems in the hashtable

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