Damian Conway wrote:

>Luke Palmer wrote:
>>Ooh! Why don't we have a dont command!  With several variants:
>>        dont FILE
>>        dont BLOCK
>>dont { print "Boo" }
>>Would print:
>You really *should* be more careful what you wish for Luke.
>The following was just uploaded to the CPAN...
>    Acme::Don't - The opposite of `do'
>    This document describes version 1.00 of Acme::Don't, released May 1,
>    2002.
>        use Acme::Don't;
>        don't { print "This won't be printed\n" };    # NO-OP
>    The Acme::Don't module provides a `don't' command, which is the opposite
>    of Perl's built-in `do'.
>    Damian Conway ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>    Luke Palmer really should be *far* more careful what he idly wishes for.
>    Unlikely, since it doesn't actually do anything. However, bug reports
>    and other feedback are most welcome.

feature request :


We need a dont that will prevent *bad things*,  to wit:

dont ( 'let MS get away with it');
dont ( 'rape the planet');
dont ( 'sack ANWAR');
dont ( 'accept Bushs Energy Plan');
dont ('pass CBTBPTA*%#$');

in this light, your *impressive* module has the shortcoming that it cant 
stop stuff when its not used.

Ex: W was able to hold secret energy meetings with the oil industry, w/o 
the participation of *any*
environmental groups.  Shades of Hillarys health plan that was 
pilloried.  Wheres the uproar now ?

Now the real trick will be getting this module to insert itself into 
code w/o explicit 'use'

stuff it into universal ??

can you make a module that can do that ? huh ? huh ?

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