In the interests of brevity, I cut huge tracts of quoted text.

On Mon, 6 May 2002, Brent Dax wrote:

> (FYI, I'm the main author of Parrot's rx package.)

I'm pleased to meet you.

> Mark Kvale:
> # Warning: this is a long message, a small paper really. The 
> # So creating (A) or (B) will be a lot of hard work and without 
> # good design and documentation, the resulting code will be 
> # just as difficult to understand as the perl5 code is.
> They've tried to rewrite the code, and they always lose tons of speed in
> the process.  Perl's regex engine is coded to be fast, which makes it
> ugly.  The hope is that a completely different approach will keep us
> pretty close to Perl speed without all the cruft of Perl's engine.

I suppose you are referring to projects like pcre and regexpp? Their
code looks clean by comparison, but they have implemented few
optimizations. Perhaps there is a correlation :-) 

> # But the results below are about bytecode size and execution speed.
> # 
> # 
> # Matching regex 'a' against string 'a' we get the following 
> # times on my Lintel notebook: (All times are in seconds)
> # 
> # "a" =~ /a/:
> # 
> # backend   lo            ro             lo/ro     ro/spen ro
> # 
> # reg:      4.518e-06     1.935e-07      23.3      12.8
> # rx:       1.621e-06     5.387e-07       3.0      35.6
> # spen:     5.477e-07     1.509e-08      36.2       1.0
> # perl:     7.897e-07     1.267e-08      62.3       0.84
> # 
> # The fixed, per match overheard lo is 3 times larger for rx 
> # than spen and 8 times larger for reg than spen. The per 
> # character match time ro is 36 times larger for rx than for 
> # spen and 13 times larger for reg than for spen. That the per 
> # character time for rx is so large seems counterintuitive to 
> # me. On the other hand, the rx_literal code
> # 
> # op rx_literal(in pmc, in str, inconst int) {
> #         UINTVAL i;
> #         RX_dUNPACK($1);
> #         if(string_length(rx->string) < rx->index+string_length($2)) {
> #                 goto OFFSET($3);
> #         }
> #         /* This is faster than using substr--it avoids memory 
> # allocations. */
> #         for(i=0; i < string_length($2); i++) {
> #                 if(   string_ord(rx->string, rx->index+(INTVAL)i) 
> #                    != string_ord($2, (INTVAL)i)) {
> #                         goto OFFSET($3);
> #                 }
> #         }
> #         RxAdvanceX(rx, string_length($2));
> #         goto NEXT();
> # } 
> However, my current design plans for rx would make this faster.
> Basically, it would automagically use pointer arithmetic on fixed-width
> encodings and do various other dirty tricks to save time.  (To avoid
> tons of conditionals, it would use a vtable.)

Yeah, encodings like utf8 inevitably slow down matching, with function
calls if nothing else. perl5 regex code is sprinkled liberally with
parallel code for utf8 and ASCII, a big win for the common ASCII
matching case.

> # computes dynamically several functions, such as length of the 
> # regex match string, that are precomputed in the reg code...
> # 
> # Note that the overhead/match ratio lo/ro is large in the reg, 
> # spen and perl routines. In the reg code, I think this is due 
> # to the allocation of two PerlArrays for subexpression 
> # indices. In the spen and perl code, it is due to data 
> # structure initialization and optimization checks.
> It may be disabled in the current code, but rx allocates a pair of
> PerlArrays too.
> # "a" =~ /[A-Za-z0-9_]/
> #              lo              ro           ro/spen
> # reg:         4.389e-06       9.487e-07     3.1
> # rx:          1.599e-06       1.184e-05    39.2
> # spen:        3.758e-07       3.014e-07     1.0
> # perl:        9.922e-07       3.75e-08      0.12
> # 
> # spen slows down by calling strchr, so reg is only three times 
> # slower. Clearly, rx_oneof could be optimized for 
> # multi-character classes.
> rx_oneof is very, very slow because it compiles a bitmap of the
> character class each time, then uses the bitmap for a fast lookup.
> There are two opcodes, rx_makebitmap (?) and rx_oneof_bmp, which can be
> used to precompile the bitmap.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try those. But creating the bitmap
while executing a match would seem to unnecessarily slow things
down in certain cases. For constant character classes, it should be
possible for the compiler to precompute the bitmap and load it

While I am requesting features, it would be nice to have a negated
claracter class op, and it would be nice to know the number of the
highest captured group.

> If you're testing these in a loop (which you almost certainly are),
> there's another trick you can use with rx.  rx_clearinfo can be used to
> reset all the fields in the regex's info structure without allocating
> anything; it might theoretically be possible to code up an entire (real
> world) program that only allocated one info structure.  From my
> experience coding and optimizing rx, memory allocations are killer.

Already implemented, and a good deal faster than allocating and
deallocating each iteration.

> # For the '+' quantifier, we get
> # 
> # "a"x1000 =~ /a+/
> # 
> #        lo + r
> # reg:   8.07e-04
> # rx:    8.46e-04
> # spen:  3.92e-06
> # perl:  7.56e-06
> # 
> # Above we found lo/ro ratios of 3-60, so for a string of 
> # length 1000 most of the time is spent in the match, not the 
> # overhead.  Both perl and spen do a greedy match using pointer 
> # arithmetic in a tight C loop. rx and reg both do a branch and 
> Something that wouldn't be possible in a well-behaved Parrot regex
> engine--a string's internals are supposed to be its own business.  (Of
> course, nobody ever said that the engine had to be well-behaved... :^) )

perl5's engine is intimate with ASCII, utf8 encoding and
(mostly) deals with raw strings. Opaque objects just get in the way...

> # The following match induces a modest amount of backtracking:
> # 
> # ("ab"x10000)."c" =~ /abc/
> # 
> #       r          r/spen
> # reg:  1.62e-02   2.2
> # rx:   2.52e-02   3.4
> # spen: 7.35e-03   1.0
> # perl: 2.47e-04   0.034
> # 
> # Recursion is typically slower than iteration with a stack, so 
> # that reg and rx pull within a factor of 2-3 of spen. perl5 
> # achieves a factor of 30 speedup by noting that abc is a 
> # required substring and searching in an efficient fashion for 
> # that string.
> I always hated that optimization--it made it really hard to benchmark
> against something realistic.

Many regexes in beginner/intermediate perl code are simple
strings. Detecting the longest floating substring, or that you could
do a fast BM match is a big win in those cases. I think it is in
general hard to determine what a realistic set of regexes is, but
simple string matching should surely be part of them.
> # Caveats:
> # 
> #  1. I've tried to write short, efficient code for the reg and rx
> #     backends. But I am new to Parrot assembly and could have done
> #     something seriously suboptimal. I welcome folks looking at and
> #     playing with the reg and rx code to see if there are faster idioms
> #     that can be machine generated.
> More likely, I'm new to regex engines and have never studied finite
> automata, so I screwed up something in the design of rx.

Despite some slow ops, I am really impressed with the quality of the
rx ops. I haven't hit a bug yet!

> #  2. These are early days for parrot optimization, and it may be parrot
> #     bytecode based regex engines can narrow the gap against
> #     specialized regex engines.  
> # 
> # In my opinion, however, factors of 3-10 or more in execution 
> # time will be hard to overcome. Both the code size and 
> # execution time data strongly favor scheme (C), building an 
> # independent specialized bytecode engine into parrot.
> Have you tried the rx and reg versions with exotic settings for Parrot,
> like JIT or prederef?  It would also be interesting (although quite
> difficult I'm sure) to modify Spencer's package to use Parrot strings.

I've not played with any exotic settings, it might be worth a
try. Rewriting the spencer regexec code to use Parrot strings would be
difficult, because I'm not familiar with the innards of Parrot
strings. I suspect the result would be a slower engine, especially for
general encodings.  If Parrot strings are to be sacrosanct, there will
be a speed hit.

> --Brent Dax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> @roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

Thanks for all the comments!


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