On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 09:53:48PM +0200, Peter Gibbs wrote:
> [Steve - it seems to me that the 'normal' buffer pool should just be
> replaced by the size 0 pool in your new system?  I would think twice about
> incorporating strings, as that might complicate COW, if it ever happens.]

Yes. In my patch, I commented that I was taking the minimally invasive
route, but that the Right way of doing it would be to take over the
regular pools, probably leaving behind a cached pointer in the Arenas
structure. I was thinking that at the very least, this would clean up
the duplicated code for the free_pool_buffers. But your patch is a
*much* better way of doing that part.

Mostly, I didn't want to make any major changes without the buy-in of
the head memory management guys (which primarily means you at the
moment.) I've finally managed to get a grip on the different data
structures used by the memory subsystem, but it's a tenuous grip at

I haven't thought this through, but could buffer and string compaction
code be merged if you added some sort of flag and function pointer for
special handling during compaction? BUFFER_hindu_FLAG: "I may or may
not be a cow right now, but I could become one in the future." (Ok,
that's obscure. Think reincarnation.)

But the size of allocated objects isn't enough to distinguish between
different pools anyway. Making different pools for different purposes
makes a lot of sense (eg your distinction between constant and
non-constant strings). Especially if you believe, as I do, that we'll
eventually want to implement some kind of generational scheme so we're
not constantly re-scanning long-lived objects.

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