On Sat, 18 May 2002, Angel Faus wrote:
> ...curry example...
> But I am not sure I like the syntax. The problems I see are:
> - You only can curry placeholder-generated functions. So if you intend to
> make a function curryiable, you are forced to use place-holders, even if
> that's not the cleanest way of programming it.

I never read that. It seemed to me like you could curry just about any 
function you please.

> - From the caller point of view, the only distinction between a function
> call and a currying pseudo-call, is the number of parameters.
>    div(6,3) # is a function call
>    div(6)    # creates a new curryied function
> So, in order to see if a expression is a function call or a magic currying,
> you need to count (!) the number of parameters, without any visual clue
> suggesting it.

Very true. This is a mega-gotcha that should somehow be dealt with. In 
classic Perl, it would warn you about not enough arguments, but in Perl6 
it generates a curried function call? So I could say:

  print foo(2,3);

And if foo was in fact expecting three arguments and I was just 
brain-farting it would print some serialization of this? Or what? This 
doesn't make a lot of sense.

> - You cannot use advanced perl 6 features (like optional strict typing, or
> default values for function parameters), on curryiable functions.

Good point.

> I would instead propose that every function object supports a "curry"
> method, that performs such operation.
> For example:
>   sub div($x,$y) {$x / $y};     # of &div = {$^x / $^y}
>   my &half = &div.curry(y=>2);
>   print half(6);                         # 3
> This solves the unnecessary placeholder-currying marriage, and it is
> certainly a more explicit syntax.

I like it. Initially I was thinking a new "curry" operator (hmm... &$@! 
perhaps? :), but I think we're just about out of characters for that. 
Plus, with Perl6's OO design, C<.curry> fits well. 

Perhaps if it's generated with placeholders, the C<.curry> would be 
implicit. That way we can stay terse when the situation is simple. Like 
with Damian's C<given>...C<when> example.  When I'm writing scripts, I 
don't  want to type those 6 characters, but if I'm doing structured 
programming, the clearer the better. To parallel this, when I'm writing 
scripts, I'm going to use placeholder functions, but in structured 
programming, I'm probably not.


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