Sebastian Bergmann sent the following bits through the ether:

> It'd be great if you could comment of different goals, etc. between
> Parrot and the .Net concept.

Oh, this happens to be a FAQ. The main reason is:

* Why your own virtual machine? Why not compile to JVM/.NET?

  Those VMs are designed for statically typed languages. That's fine,
  since Java, C#, and lots of other languages are statically typed. Perl
  isn't. For a variety of reasons, it means that perl would run more
  slowly there than on an interpreter geared towards dynamic languages.

The main problem is that Perl is so dynamic. You can redefine almost
anything in Perl at runtime. This means we need a very dynamic virtual
machine behind it in order to run Perl (and possibly Ruby, Python)

Hope this helps, Leon
Leon Brocard.............................

.... Windows Error: 002 No error, yet

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