Since the topic of using BASIC as part of the test suite for Parrot has 
been brought up before I'll mention a recent change I made here which might 
make this easier.

If the BASIC interpreter is invoked now, and a file named "autorun.bas" 
exists in the same directory, it will be run by the interpreter 
auto-magically on startup.  At the moment I'm using this to run the BASIC 
regression test while I'm modifying the interpreter so I can just say (in vim):


Have it assemble up BASIC, run the test (which had been renamed to 
autorun.bas) and exit back to vim. Earlier this evening I was using it to 
run a BASIC CGI script (just for kicks).

Making the last instruction "QUIT" will exit the interpreter when 
autorun.bas is finished running; making the last instruction "NEW" will 
clear memory and leave you in interactive mode.  Otherwise you're dropped 
into interactive mode when the program's done running.

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