Melvin Smith:
# In order to make the extension library work with C++ I had
# to rename Parrot_Interp typedef to Parrot_Interp_t
# I know _t was a subject of discussion, but its a quick fix so
# I can move ahead. Its only really used from embed.h in 
# test_main.c and the extension API layer.
# If there are no complaints I'm going to commit this when I 
# commit the initial patch for extensions.

I think that's renaming it the wrong way.  The struct should probably
become parrot_interp_t and the typedef Parrot_Interp.  This is
consistent with other data structures in Parrot.  Unfortunately, that
means grepping over the core to change it, but that'll have to happen

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

blink:  Text blinks (alternates between visible and invisible).
Conforming user agents are not required to support this value.
    --The W3C CSS-2 Specification

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