> The binary image should represent the interpreters
> internal state and the compiled bytecode, as straight
> as possible.

Internal state is a problem.

> example:
> if (my $binary = hibernate) {
>   print "Feelin sleepy... Good Night.";
>   save_to_disk($binary, "~/myscript.pl.sleeps");
>   exit;
> } else {
>   print "Im awake !";
> }
> # perl myscript.pl
> Feelin sleepy... Good Night.
> # perl myscript.pl.sleeps
> Im awake !
> Of course, the delicate things like open file handles, permissions... would
> have to be handled by a supporting Module.

And the problem:

  An always executing process will have to look after all
  the open filehandles, sockets etc.  This really should
  be a child process.

  Scripts dependent on signals - you could hibernate the
  script before it was due to catch a signal.  Perl code
  with signals are already painful to debug.

IMSOHO this is impossible to implement sucessfully, without
turning Perl into a non-portable, complex and slow language.

You could however, with whatever they now call 'use less memory'
when sleep (with more than a few seconds) get Perl to push
it's state onto disk and arrange for it to be swapped out of
disk several seconds before resuming.  That seems pointless,
since that's what your operating system's memory management is

Jonathan Paton

y'|\/-'3210',$_=join qq\\,map{s|2|10|||s|3|11|||s|^|0|;$_}
m|.|g;map{print chr unpack'N',pack'B32','0'x24 .$_}/.{8}/g

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