On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 12:00:13AM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> |On 6/4/02 12:22 PM, David Wheeler wrote:
> |> I think that if we can agree to forego backwards compatibility, we might
> |> also be in a better position to set up a CP6AN with much better quality
> |> control. All of the most important modules will be ported very quickly
> |> (e.g., the DBI),

Actually I doubt that complex extensions with lots of XS/C code
will get ported "very quickly" since the work involved may be

That's one of the reasons I've put so much effort into making
DBI::PurePerl a viable tool. It'll automatically give people a
working Perl6 DBI (for pure-perl drivers) as soon as there's a
working perl5-to-perl6 translator.


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