On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Brent Dax wrote:

> Deborah Ariel Pickett:
> # My perl5 sensibilities tell me that that's likely to cause a
> # problem when I want to do something like this:
> #
> # $hashref = { function_returning_hash() };
> #
> # because I won't get the function's return values put into a
> # hash, because the stuff inside the { ... } isn't a list of
> # pairs.  Instead I'll get a (reference to) a closure, not at
> # all the same thing.

You've got a point.  There's an easy way to say "I want a sub":

my $sub = -> { ... }

But I can't think of a similarly punctuation-intensive way to say "I want
a hash."  (someone please step in and correct me).

> # that this is being phased out for perl6 (the grammar backs that up).

I wouldn't take the grammar too seriously -- it's more or less one
person's interpretation of the Apocalypses, Exegeses, and recent mailing
list traffic.

>       my HASH $hashref;
>       my CODE $subref;

So if I have the above two declarations, and do this later:

$hashref = { ... };
$subref = { ... };

It does "the right thing"?  This could work up to a point, but Perl can do
crazy things like this:

$foo ?? $hashref :: $subref = { ... };

and propagate context differently to different branches of the ternary
(try doing $x ? @y : $z = (2,3,4) sometime -- very cool!).  And while we
could interpret the block differently on each branch, that seems a bit too

> (Alternatively, always parse it as a closure and afterwards run through
> the parse tree, checking all the closures and converting those that only
> contain pairs.)

Or use context to try and figure it out.  Unfortunately, from the outside
I think either would just look like "a reference".  Maybe if the compiler
could figure out that your function would return pairs, it could fix
things up so that turns into a hash-ref.  But then you can get into
trouble with a function that returns pairs only in non-hash-ref


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