On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, John Porter wrote:

> David M. Lloyd wrote:
> > John Porter wrote:
> > > The MM dispatch problem is pretty much solidly in
> > > the realm of pmc inheritance,
> >
> > There _is_ no pmc inheritance right now.
> > There's just a set of default functions.
> Call it what you want. The point is that this type schema is at the
> parrot level, and is not the concern of a user-level language like perl
> (except where explicitly exposed by user parrot code, I suppose).

No, the point is that all this talk about type-space mm dispatch depends
on there *being* type space.  Since there is currently no inheritance to
speak of then there really is no typespace so all of this talk is moot,
unless Dan comes along and says that yes there will now be real
inheritance on the PMC level.  Whether or not that will cause problems
will remain to be seen.

- D


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