On Tuesday 23 July 2002 07:47 am, Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões wrote:
> Now, I ask for PMC programmers to take care implementing this! Notice
> that, for example in arrays, arrays with the same length but different
> elements should return different hash codes (or try). But for the same
> elements MUST return the same hash code.

@foo = ();
%hash{@foo} = 10;
push @foo, 'This would change the hash key for @foo?';

print "ok 1" if exists %hash{ [] };
print "ok 2" if exists %hash{ [10] };
print "ok 3" if exists %hash{@foo};

What's going to get printed from that?

Ashley Winters

When you do the community's rewrite, try to remember most of us are idiots.

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