Jerome Vouillon writes:
>On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 11:22:56PM -0400, Melvin Smith wrote:
>> At 06:25 PM 7/31/2002 +0200, Jerome Vouillon wrote:
>> >Closures
>> >
>> >  A subroutine must have access to the scratchpads of all the
>> >  englobing blocks.  As the scratchpads are linked, it is sufficient
>> >  to add a pointer to the immediately englobing scratchpads to the
>> >  closure (Sub class).
>> And they need to be COW, as closures have access to their
>> own copies of lexicals.  I asked Jonathan to reuse the stack code
>> I had already written because it was using the same semantics
>> with COW as control and user stacks.
>I'm confused here.  In Jonathan's code, the stack is COW, not the
>scratchpads.  If instead of using stacks you make each scratchpad
>contains a pointer to its parent, there is no need to copy anything:
>several scratchpads can then share the same parent.

1) Our stacks are being reworked to be tree-based, so multiple children
   can point to the same parent.

>By the way, I don't understand how you intend to implement subroutine
>invocation.  Are you going to push the caller scratchpad stack on a

Neither do I, really. :(

-Melvin Smith

IBM :: Atlanta Innovation Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED] :: 770-835-6984

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