On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Tom Hughes wrote:

> In message <a05111b06b97eea0ca9c0@[]>
>           Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nobody's doing a get_integer on key PMCs--we're peeking directly.
> > (Integer lookup can also be done via the keyed_int method of the
> > vtable)
> At the moment it is using get_integer as I decided to get it all
> working first (which it laregly is now) before optimising it.

We need to beef key.c and key.h up enough to have the direct access stuff 
in there, so we don't need to use the vtables for keys.
> However it's done it will still be shared code though as I don't
> intend to duplicate key decipherment in all the classes that need
> to do it.
> > Basically we need to make sure that the hash we're using as a
> > scratchpad can be looked up by integer index for speed reasons. I
> > thought we'd split it out into a Hash class the way we'd done with
> > Array, but I guess not.
> Are you saying that integer lookup in hashes bypasses the hashing
> and just knows where to look? If so then that isn't what integer
> keys were doing - it was converting them to strings and then looking
> them up in the normal way.

Yes. This should be in the archive somewhere. (Apologies for being 
brief--I'm on my way out for a few days)


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